It's time for a Mindset Shift

It’s time for a Mindset Shift!

Is AI going to take over your job? Well MAYBE….it will take over some of the tasks you do today and will push you to make changes in your career.

AI is a great opportunity and one that will be game changing, however you must be ready to make a move to use it to your advantage. I know everyone is talking about it and this is the not the first time you are hearing about it however it’s important to take advantage of this opportunity through doing 3 simple things:

  1. Reframe your thinking around AI- don’t see it as an enemy but see it as a tool. You’re not going to be directly replaced by AI however you will be replaced by a person who can use AI.

  2. Figure out how AI is going to disrupt you. Face it dead on and identify your vulnerability, 

  3. Identify all the AI tools that are relevant to you and master them. Learn everything you can.

 This is the beginning of a very aggressive and fast revolution. Moving quickly gives you 2 advantages:

1.  You can leapfrog ahead of other people by mastering the tools. If you master the tools, people are going to turn to you because you can more efficiently solve their problems. If you are going to be able to solve problems faster, you potentially are going to get paid more. 

2. While others are caught between fascination and panic, you can acquire more skills and grow more useful. So, act now and start mastering these tools.

 2 advantages of taking on a growth mindset and learning in this space:

  1. If you embrace it, you can build a skillset moat around you that you can leverage to get paid more or to build something that wasn’t even previously possible. 

  2. AI also provides you with an almost unimaginable efficiency for certain tasks. It’s insane the things you can do and if you have played around with it, it is breathtaking how quickly you can get answers to questions, help with research topics, help provide the right words when you feel like you have writers block, and more. It’s crazy what it can do today and it’s only the beginning. 

 So, you really can’t go wrong by digging in and becoming an expert!

AI is not perfect and there are plenty of things that AI sucks at right now. Some people are getting themselves all hyped up and may be disappointed as it will take time for many features to come to fruition. 

If you look at AI as an efficient tool that needs to be used by a well-trained human. AI can already make videos, create human speech, summarize books, create social content, and everything in between. Make transcripts of speech, and edit speech based on editing the transcript. These types of tools had been super expensive in the past, and now are becoming affordable options. That’s how fast things move.

AI is about efficiency and rapid iteration. The whole way to get ahead in life is the physics of progress by trying something and learning and using it to your advantage. Will things move so fast technologically that we cannot see what is next in the future? Some are saying this will be coming over the next few years. Wow…. that’s unbelievable…. or is it? AI can basically improve itself. ChatGPT is getting smarter and smarter every minute through its interactions with people and it can have tens of thousands of conversations going on all at the same time with people all over the world. Whoa! Mind-blowing!

 If you were to learn, you can only learn from one person at a time while factoring in sleep, eating, self-care, etc. It’s impossible for a human to learn as much and as quickly as AI. AI is laser focused on all times and it’s cognitive ability is faster and sharper than any human. It has perfect recall and lives inside these super computers that AI will have a level of intelligence that is not only smarter than the smartest humans, but it will also be smarter than all humans combined! 


Elon Musk tweeted, “Chat GPT is scary good…we are not far from dangerously strong AI.”


Let’s paint a picture of a very exciting future. AI can move you faster into the future and get ahead. Think of it as something that can catapult your career into something grander. Even though these AI applications are all coming at very turbulent times where there is a lot of fear, if you can bypass the fear and keep learning, you will be so far ahead. Growing and making gains during times of uncertainty will make you stronger and push you to the head of the line. Think about companies that were small and the underdog in an industry. Many had to be patient to position themselves the right way but by continuing to grow and learn, they moved a giant company out of the way and sometimes for good. Think of Netflix moving Blockbuster right out of business. Netflix wanted to sell to Blockbuster, but they couldn’t see the vision, or their egos were too big to see the vision. Now they’re out of business. Big businesses have a hard time seeing the new future and taking on risks that have cost them their business. Big businesses are terrified of making a mistake that could cost them their business but with the lack of some risk taking, they may not be in business very long or if at all. 

If you don’t disrupt yourself someone will do it for you!!!!  So, this is your shot, your time to disrupt yourself. When we look at healthcare, I’m certain we can expect huge breakthroughs to come along due to the use data analysis with AI. Much of this will happen in the future and we don’t know how near that is but what I can tell you is that it is going to happen. I think it will happen faster than any of us think!

  Here’s how I see AI: 

1. AI will make everyone dramatically more efficient.

2. In that efficiency you will be able to do far more than you were able to do before. Orders of magnitude more.

3. If you have any creative bone in your body, AI will be lifechanging. All you must do is get good at describing in words what you want. Prompt engineering- bright minds pouring into this field. 

  If I can just help provide visibility from a new vantage point, I know you will be able to do some incredible things. You will be able to do unimaginable things in your professional path and provide a tremendous amount of value. 

I say this with love, but I do encourage you to get on board and don’t sleep on this one because you will be left behind. Don’t miss this opportunity. Let me be clear that I can’t see into the future, and I don’t know at 100% that all this will happen, but I have a strong feeling it will, and you have nothing to lose by learning. And you have a whole lot to gain by implementing. So, what I’m doing and what my advice to you is: start preparing now and take massive action. Action cures all.

“All that stands between you and your dreams is your right frame of reference. “-Tom Bilyeu


Three things to ALWAYS remember: